Keep Calm & Remember it’s @TimeToWashHands

As COVID-19 spreads across the country, panic follows. One of the most basic things that we can do to help stop the spread of COVID-19 is to properly wash our hands. As simple as that may seem, it is still one of the best defenses to staying healthy through this pandemic.
SS+K, in partnership with goat milk soap maker, Beekman1802, has launched a PSA social account that sends friendly, periodic reminders to anyone who follows to wash their hands. Follow on Twitter at @TimeToWashHands and on Instagram at @TimeToWashHands_?
Influential partners, like Katie Couric, are helping support the effort to help stop the spread of the virus by sharing short video clips of themselves washing their hands for 20 seconds.

If you’d like to take part in our Time to Wash Hands Challenge and help stop the spread of COVID-19, just post your handwashing video to Twitter or Instagram—Instagram Stories count too—and tag @TimeToWashHands. It’s a small, but important way to help our fellow neighbors stay protected. And as we see it, every hand washed helps.
- Follow @TimeToWashHands on Twitter and @TimeToWashHands_ on Instagram
- Create a video of you washing your hands
- Sing a 20-second song like Happy Birthday, have fun, or even just say “time to wash hands!”
- Share your video on Twitter and tag @TimeToWashHands and/or Instagram @TimeToWashHands_
- Challenge someone else to go wash their hands and make a video to keep it going!
And If you don’t have time for a video, but still want to help get the word out, following and retweeting/resharing the account will help us remind as many people as possible to wash up.